Dr. Hiromitsu Tabeta, a graduate of our laboratory, received the Poster Award at the 3rd International Conference on Plant and Human Sulfur Biology (SBIO2024) held in France. Congratulations to him on this achievement! NEW

Our review article titled “Mechanical conflicts emerging at the cylindrical and spherical plant organs”, has been accepted for publication in Plant Mophology, on 23-January-2023.
Our original article titled “Contribution of vasculature to stem integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana”, has been published Development, on 7-February-2023.
Link to the paper:
DOI: 10.1242/dev.201156.
Our original article titled “Roles of type II H+-PPases and PPsPase1/PECP2 in early developmental stages and PPi homeostasis of Arabidopsis thaliana”, has been published in Front. Plant Sci. Sec. Plant Physiology on 27-January-2023.
Link to the paper:
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1031426
Our original article titled “Skotomorphogenesis exploits threonine to promote hypocotyl elongation”, has been published in Quantitative Plant Biology on 22-Novemner-2022.
Link to the paper:
DOI: 10.1017/qpb.2022.19.
Our article titled “Tonoplast Proton Pumps Regulate Nuclear Spacing of Female Gametophytes Via Mediating Polar Auxin Transport in Arabidopsis”, has been published in Frontiers in Plant Science 26-August-2022.
Link to the paper:
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1006735
The Japanese Society of Plant Morphology HIRASE AWARD 2022
The Hirase Award for Plant Morphology will be presented to Dr. Ali Ferjani (Associate Professor, Tokyo Gakugei University, Department of Biology) during the 34th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Morphology, as a winning representative on behalf of his co-authors.
The "Hirase Award" was founded in 1996, on the hundred anniversary of sperm discovery of ginkgo by Hirase Sakugoro. Bearing the name in honor of the achievements of Hirase, this award is given to the excellent original paper that contributes to advances in plant morphology and plant science.
◇ Hirase Award Winning Representative: Dr. Ali Ferjani
◇ Awarded paper: Asaoka M, Ooe M, Gunji S, Milani P, Runel G, Horiguchi G, Hamant O, Sawa S, Tsukaya H, Ferjani A (2021). Stem integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana requires a load-bearing epidermis. Development 148(4):dev198028. doi: 10.1242/dev.198028.
◇ The awarding ceremony and prize winning commemoration oral presentation will be held at Kyoto University on September 16th, 2022.
Our article titled “Tissue-targeted inorganic pyrophosphate hydrolysis in a fugu5 mutant reveals that excess inorganic pyrophosphate triggers developmental defects in a cell-autonomous manner”, has been published in Frontiers in Plant Science on 4-August-2022.
Link to the paper :
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.945225
Our review article titled “Looking beyond the gene network - metabolic and mechanical cell drivers of leaf morphogenesis”, has been published in Journal of Cell Science on 15-April-2022 Apr 15.
Link to the paper :
DOI: 10.1242/jcs.259611
Congratulations to Prof. Hirokazu TSUKAYA on receiving the Medal with Purple Ribbon
The Medal with Purple Ribbon is awarded every year during Culture Day (National holiday in Japan) to individuals who have contributed to academic and artistic developments, improvements and accomplishments.
Here I proudly share this great news with you all, felicitate Prof. Hirokazu Tsukaya for his past and present academic and scientific accomplishments, wishing him as a person and all “THE TSUKAYA FAMILY” the best of luck and health in the coming years and decades.
A breakout session titled "Mechanical stimulation and morphogenesis" Co-sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas「Elucidation of the strategies of mechanical optimization in plants toward the establishment of the bases for sustainable structure system」was organized by Ali FERJANI (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.) and held on November 2, 2021 at the Iijima Hall of Tokyo Gakugei University Koganei campus.
In the breakout session, Takaki MIYATA (Nagoya University/Graduate School of Medicine), Arata NAGASAKA (Meikai Univ./School of Dentistry), Koichiro TSUJIKAWA (Nagoya Univ., Graduate School of Medicine), Hidetoshi IIDA (Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Professor Emeritus), Akitoshi IWAMOTO (Kanagawa Univ.), Takumi HIGAKI (Kumamoto Univ.) Yosuke NAKASO (The Univ. of Tokyo) , Ali FERJANI (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.) delivered oral talks and held lively discussion with the participation of Shinichiro SAWA (Kumamoto Univ.), Kenichi KAWAGUCHI (Univ. of Tokyo) Morita-Terao MIYAO (NIBB), and other participants (on site and online) on emerging topics in the fields of Anatomy, Botany, Architecture, and Medicine.イベント-events/2021年度のイベント詳細/
In collaboration with Dr. Shunsuke Watanabe (RIKEN CSRS), Dr. Mitsunori Seo (RIKEN CSRS), Dr. Masami Yokota Hirai (RIKEN CSRS), and Prof. Hirokazu Tsukaya (The University of Tokyo), our article entitled “An Auxin Signaling Network Translates Low-Sugar-State Input into Compensated Cell Enlargement in the fugu5 Cotyledon”, has been published in PLOS Genetics on 5-August-2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific Time / 2:00 PM Eastern Time / 7:00 PM British Time, and 6-August-2021 at 3:00 AM Japanese Time.
Link to the paper :
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009674
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【新学術領域研究 植物の周期と変調】
Virtual Biology Colloquium Seminar Series
Fri, 30 July 2021 16:00
by Dr Ali Ferjani (Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan)
Venue: Zoom Link as per Program Details
For more information click the link below.
Program Details:
In collaboration with Prof. Wen-Hui Lin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , our Review Article entitled “Multiple functions of the vacuole in plant growth and fruit quality”, has been published in Molecular Horticulture” on 16-June-2021.
Our Review article entitled “What is quantitative plant biology?”, co-authored by 21 Scientists (Autran D, Bassel G, Chae E, Ezer D4, Ferjani A, Fleck C, Hamant O, Hartmann F, Jiao Y, Johnston I, Kwiatkowska D, Lim BL, Mahönen AP, Morris RJ, Mulder BM, Nakayama N, Sozzani R, Lucia C. Strader LC, Tusscher Kt, Ueda M, Wolf S) has been published in Quantitative Plant Biology , Volume 2 , 2021 , e10. on 20-May-2021.
In collaboration with Dr. Pascale Milani (BioMeca company, ENS de Lyon), Dr. Gaël Runel (BioMeca company, ENS de Lyon), Prof. Gorou Horiguchi (Rikkyo University), Prof. Olivier Hamant (Laboratoire de Reproduction et Développement des Plantes, Université de Lyon, ENS de Lyon), Prof. Shinichiro Sawa (Kumamoto University), Prof. Hirokazu Tsukaya (The University of Tokyo) our paper entitled “Stem integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana requires a load-bearing epidermis”, has been published in DEVELOPMENT on 26-February-2021.
Was selected for the cover image of the issue:
Selected to appear as a “Research Highlight” in Development.
Has been recommended in Faculty Opinions as being of special significance in its field by Faculty Member Thomas Greb. You can read Dr Greb's recommendation here
In collaboration with Prof. Masayoshi Maeshima (Nagota University), Dr. Shoji Segami (Nagoya University/NIBB), our paper entitled “Lack of Vacuolar H+-Pyrophosphatase and Cytosolic Pyrophosphatases Causes Fatal Developmental Defects in Arabidopsis thaliana.”, has been published in Frontiers in Plant Science-Plant Metabolism and Chemodiversity”. on 26-May-2020.
The degree award ceremony for the academic year 2019 was held at Tokyo Gakugei University, Koganei Campus on March 19th, 2020.
Ms. Shizuka Gunji (PhD degree), Mr. Hiromitsu Tabeta (Master degree), and three undergraduate students from our Lab.; Ms. Mizuki Shiratori, Ms. Asahi Minami and Mr. Keita Fukuda, obtained their Bachelor degree. Congratulations!
Nota Bene: The Graduation Ceremony for the academic year 2019 was cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak.

(Front: Left-to-right) Keita Fukuda, Mizuki Shiratori and Asahi Minami. (Back: Left-to-right) Hiromitsu Tabeta and Ali Ferjani. Photo is a courtesy of Mr. Ryosuke Kizu (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.).
In collaboration with Prof. Yoshihisa Oda (National Institute of Genetics), Dr. Hisako Takigawa Imamura (Kyushu University), and Prof. Hirokazu Tsukaya (The University of Tokyo), our paper entitled “Excess pyrophosphate restrains pavement cell morphogenesis and alters organ flatness in Arabidopsis thaliana.”, has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Plant Science-Plant Metabolism and Chemodiversity”. on 13-Jan-2020.
In collaboration with Prof. Seisuke Kimura (Kyoto Sangyo University), Ms. Rumi Amano (Kyoto Sangyo University), our paper entitled “Molecular basis for natural vegetative propagation via regeneration in North American lake cress, Rorippa aquatica (Brassicaceae).” has been published in Plant & Cell Physiology on 25-Oct-2019.
In collaboration with Dr. Wen-Hui Lin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China/University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA ), and two other research teams our paper entitled ”Two tonoplast proton pumps function in Arabidopsis embryo development”, has been accepted for publication in New Phytologist on 23-Sept-2019.
The traditional annual joint seminar of Tsukaya lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo/EXCELLS), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.), Kawade Lab. (NIBB, EXCELLS), Sakakibara Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.), and Ferjani Lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo), was held on Aug-28-29, 2019, at The Univ. of Tokyo (Hongo campus).
Joint seminar group photo of Tsukaya lab., Horiguchi Lab., Kawade Lab., Sakakibara Lab., and Ferjani Lab.. The photograph is a Courtesy of Mrs. Yuko Aoshima (Tsukaya Lab.).
In collaboration with Prof. Seisuke Kimura (Kyoto Sangyo University), Ms. Rumi Amano (Kyoto Sangyo University), and Mr. Shinya Kaneko (Tokyo Gakugei University Junior High School), our paper entitled ”Development of experimental teaching material to learn asexual reproduction by using the high vegetative propagation capacity of Rorippa aquatica leaves.”, has been published in The Japanese Journal of Biological Education on 24-May-2019, and has been featured for the cover design of the Vol. 60 No.3 2019.
The graduation ceremony for the academic year 2018 was held at Tokyo Gakugei University, Koganei Campus on March 20th, 2019.
Three undergraduate students from our Lab.; Ryosuke Kizu, Chiune Suzuki and Riku Nagasaka, obtained their Bachelor degree. Congratulations!
(Front: Left-to-right) Ryosuke Kizu, Chiune Suzuki and Riku Nagasaka. (Center: Left-to-right) Mizuki Shiratoti and Shizuka Gunji. (Back: Left-to-right) Keita Fukuda, Asahi Minami, Hiromitsu Tabeta, Mariko Asaoka and Ali Ferjani. Photo is a courtesy of Dr. Akitoshi Iwamoto (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.).
In collaboration with Dr. Shin-ichiro Inoue, Prof. Toshinori Kinoshita, Prof. Masayoshi Maeshima (Nagoya University), and Prof. Hirokazu Tsukaya (Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience, Okazaki / Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems (ExCELLS) & The Univ. of Tokyo) our paper entitled ”Excess Pyrophosphate within Guard Cells Delays Stomatal Closure.”, has been accepted for publication in Plant Cell Physiology on 28-Dec-2018.
My Master course student Hiromitsu Tabeta won the FY2018 CSRS Interim Progress Report Poster Award. The awarding ceremony was held at RIKEN (Yokohama) on November 27th, 2018. Congratulations!

Prof. Kazuo Shinozaki, Director of RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (on the left), and Hiromitsu Tabeta (On the right).
In collaboration with Prof. Hongxia Zhang (College of Agriculture, Ludong University) and Dr. Yang Yang (College of Life Sciences, Nanjing University), our paper entitled “Vacuolar Proton Pyrophosphatase is Required for High Magnesium Tolerance in Arabidopsis” was published in Volume 19, Issue 11 (Article: pii:E3617) in The International Journal of Molecular Sciences, on 16 November, 2018 (doi: 10.3390/ijms19113617).
In collaboration with Dr. Kensuke Kawade (Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience, Okazaki / Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems (ExCELLS)), Dr. Akira Oikawa (RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Yokohama & Yamagata Univ.), Dr. Takashi Okada (Theoretical Biology Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako), Dr. Atsushi Mochizuki (Theoretical Biology Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako), Prof. Masayoshi Maeshima (Nagoya University), Dr. Masami Yokota Hirai (RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Yokohama), Prof. Kazuki Saito (RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Yokohama & Chiba Univ.) and Prof. Hirokazu Tsukaya (Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience, Okazaki / Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems (ExCELLS) & The Univ. of Tokyo) our paper entitled ”Pyrophosphate inhibits gluconeogenesis by restricting UDP-glucose formation in vivo”, has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports on 18-Sept-2018. The paper has been scheduled for online publication in Scientific Reports on the 2nd of October 2018 and will be freely available online at:
Nota Bene: to the best of our knowledge, this is the first-ever report on the identification of pyrophosphate (PPi) metabolic target in vivo, not only in plants but in all kingdoms.
In collaboration with Prof. Iren Marten and her team at Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology and Biophysics, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, our paper entitled “High V‐PPase activity is beneficial under high salt loads, but detrimental without salinity” was published in Volume 219, Issue 4 (pages: 1135-1492) in New Phytologist on 25 June, 2018 (DOI:
The traditional annual joint seminar of Tsukaya lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.), Kawade Lab. (NIBB, OIIB), Sakakibara Lab (Rikkyo Univ.), and Ferjani Lab. (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), was held on Sept-3-5, 2018, at Rikkyo Univ. (Ikebukuro campus).

Joint seminar group photo of Tsukaya lab., Horiguchi Lab., Kawade Lab., Sakakibara Lab., and Ferjani Lab.. The photograph is a Courtesy of Ms. Tomomi Nagashima, Ali Ferjani and Hirokazu Tsukaya”.
In collaboration with Prof. Masayoshi Maeshima and his team at Nagoya Univ. our paper entitled ” Vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase and Cytosolic Soluble Pyrophosphatases Cooperatively Regulate Pyrophosphate Levels in Arabidopsis thaliana”, has been accepted for publication in The Plant Cell on 5-Apr-2018 (In press)
In collaboration with Dr. Hélène Javot and her team at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, CNRS, Aix Marseille Université, France, our paper entitled “The Phosphate Fast-Responsive Genes PECP1 and PPsPase1 Affect Phosphocholine and Phosphoethanolamine Content” was published in the latest issue of Plant Physiology on 18 April., 2018 (DOI:
My undergraduate student Hiromitsu Tabeta won the Prize of Tokyo Gakugei Univ. president for his excellent research achievements. Also, my undergraduate student Hiromu Kimura won the Prize of Tokyo Gakugei Univ. president as the highest GPA score holder during his 4-year undergraduate studies. The awarding ceremony was held at Tokyo Gakugei University president’s office on March 20th, 2018. Congratulations!

Hiromu Kimura (on the left) with the president of Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Prof. Toshisada Deguchi (in the middle), and Hiromitsu Tabeta (On the right). The photograph is a Courtesy of "Shizuka Gunji/Ferjani Ali Lab.
(Left photo) Hiromitsu Tabeta (right) the president of Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Prof. Toshisada Deguchi (left).
(Right photo) Hiromu Kimura (left) the president of Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Prof. Toshisada Deguchi (right).
The photograph is a Courtesy of "Shizuka Gunji/Ferjani Ali Lab.
Multidimensional Exploration of Logics of Plant Development / The 5th Annual Metabolomics Meeting was held on 10-12-Feb-2018 at the Tsuruoka Metabolome Cluster/ Tsuruoka Metabolome Campus.

Group photo #1 of meeting attendees. The photograph is a Courtesy of "Dr. Oikawa Akira (Yamagata Univ.)/ One of the local meeting organizers.
Group photo #2 of meeting attendees. The photograph is a Courtesy of "Ali Ferjani (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.).
The traditional annual joint seminar of Tsukaya lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.), Kawade Lab. (NIBB, OIB projects), and Ferjani Lab. (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), was held on Sept-1-3, 2017, at Hakuba Goryu alpine botanical garden (Hakuba/Nagano).

Joint seminar group photo of Tsukaya lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.), Kawade Lab. (NIBB, OIB projects), and Ferjani Lab. (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.). The photograph is a Courtesy of "Hayato Tsuboi/ Hakuba Goryu alpine botanical garden.
Our manuscript entitled “Compensated Cell Enlargement in fugu5 is Specifically Triggered by Lowered Sucrose Production from Seed Storage Lipids”, has been accepted for publication in Plant and Cell Physiology on 31-Jan-2017
In collaboration with Prof. Masayoshi Maeshima and his team at Nagoya Univ. our paper entitled ”SRPP, a Cell Wall Protein is Involved in Development and Protection of Seeds and Root Hairs in Arabidopsis thaliana”, has been accepted for publication in Plant and Cell Physiology on 15-Jan-2017
My graduate student Kazuki Takahashi (Master course) won the Prize of Tokyo Gakugei University president for his excellent research achievements. The awarding ceremony was held at Tokyo Gakugei University president’s office on March 17th, 2017. Congratulations!

Kazuki Takahashi (left) with the president of Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Prof. Toshisada Deguchi (right).
My student Kazuki Takahashi (Master course) won the Best Poster Award during the 28th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Morphology, as a representative winner on behalf of his co-authors (Shizuka Gunji, Gorou Horiguchi, Hirokazu Tsukaya and Ali Ferjani). The awarding ceremony was held at Ryukyu Univ., Okinawa on September 15th, 2016.

(Left photo) Kazuki Takahashi (right) with his supervisor Ali Ferjani (left).
(Right photo) Kazuki Takahashi (right) receiving the best poster prize from Prof. Shigeyuki Kawano, the president of the Japanese Society of Plant Morphology (left).
The traditional annual joint seminar of Tsukaya lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.), Kawade Lab. (NIBB, OIB projects), Sakakibara Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.), and Ferjani Lab. (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), was held on Aug-29-30, 2016, at Tokyo Gakugei Univ. (Koganei campus).

Joint seminar group photo of Tsukaya lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.) and Ferjani Lab. (Gakugei Univ.).
Our editorial paper“Editorial: Multiple facets of H+-pyrophosphatase and related enzymes.” has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Plant Science on 9-Aug-2016
In collaboration with Prof. Feng QIN and her team at the IB-CAS, our paper entitled “Genetic variation in ZmVPP1 contributes to drought tolerance in maize seedlings” was published in the latest issue of Nature Genetics on 15 Aug., 2016 (doi: 10.1038/ng.3636).
In collaboration with Prof. Masayoshi Maeshima and his team at Nagoya Univ. our paper entitled “Lack of H+-pyrophosphatase prompts developmental damage in Arabidopsis leaves on ammonia-free culture medium”, has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Plant Science on 25-May-2016
Postdoctoral Position Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Depart. of Biology.
A postdoctoral position is available to study the role of H+-PPase in plant development using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. A successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in Developmental Biology; Developmental Genetics; Molecular Biology; Biochemistry; or related fields, and a good publication record in plant science related research. A strong background in molecular biology with particular emphasis on gene cloning and transgenic line construction is desirable. The Ferjani lab studies many aspects related to Arabidopsis organogenesis, and we provide a fun and collaborative work environment. More information about the laboratory can be found at Highly motivated and interested candidates should submit their CV together with a cover letter indicating their area of scientific expertise, a brief statement of past and future research interests, and the names and contact information of two references to Ali FERJANI, PhD, Department of Biology, Tokyo Gakugei University, Nukui Kitamachi 4-1-1, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8501. For any further details please contact Ali FERJANI at .
Dr. Mariko Asaoka joined our laboratory since 2016.4.1, as a PostDoc.
My undergraduate student Mao Ooe won the Prize of Tokyo Gakugei University president as the highest GPA score holder during his 4-year undergraduate studies. The awarding ceremony was held at Tokyo Gakugei University president's office on March 18th, 2016.

Mao Ooe (left) with her supervisor Ali Ferjani (right).
Our manuscript entitled "Contribution of PPi-hydrolyzing function of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase in vegetative growth of Arabidopsis: Evidenced by expression of uncoupling mutated enzymes", has been accepted for publication in Fronters in Plant Science on 17-Mar-2016
Our manuscript entitled "Suppressor screen and phenotype analyses revealed an emerging role of the Monofunctional peroxisomal enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 in compensated cell enlargement", has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Plant Science on 25-Jan-2016
Multidimensional Exploration of Logics of Plant Development / Annual Metabolomics Meeting was held on 13-15-Feb-2016 at the Tsuruoka Metabolome Cluster/ Tsuruoka Metabolome Campus.

Group photo of meeting attendees (left) and oral session for progress reports and guest speakers (right)
Our manuscript entitled " A Decrease in Ambient Temperature Induces Post-Mitotic Enlargement of Palisade Cell in North American Lake Cress ", has been accepted for publication in PLOS ONE on 5-Oct-2013.
Press Release (link):
The annual joint seminar of Tsukaya lab. (The University of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo University) and Ferjani Lab. (Tokyo Gakugei University) was held on September 17-18, 2015, at The Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro campus).

Joint seminar group photo of Tsukaya lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.) and Ferjani Lab. (Gakugei Univ.).
My undergraduate student Shizuka Gunji won the Prize of Tokyo Gakugei University president for her excellent research activities. The awarding ceremony was held at Tokyo Gakugei University president's office on March 20th, 2015.

Shizuka Gunji (in the middle) with the president of Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Prof. Toshisada Deguchi (left),
and her supervisor Ali Ferjani (right). The photograph is a Courtesy of "TGU Public Relations Planning Publicist Division".
My undergraduate student's work (Maeda et al. (2014) Plant Cell Physiol. 55:1994-2007) has been featured for the cover design of the November issue.

The cover shows a scanning electron microscopy image of a cracked stem of a clv3 det3-1 double mutant (Courtesy of Ali Ferjani and Shizuka Gunji, Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan).
This article and image are published with permission from Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, and Oxford University Press. Plant and Cell Physiology
On Oct. 10th, 2014, and following the kind invitation of Drs. Tomomichi Fujita and Kensuke Kawade (Hokkaido University), we gave two seminars covering our recent progress about the roles of H+-PPase in the regulation of both plant metabolism and development (see titles and links below).
- Pyrophosphate hydrolysis by the vacuolar H+-PPase promotes gluconeogenesis in germinating oilseeds
Ali Ferjani
Link: - Excessive pyrophosphate severely restrains the development of all epidermal cell types
Shizuka Gunji, Hirokazu Tsukaya , and Ali Ferjani
Best Poster Award
The 38th Naito Conference "Molecule-based biological systems"
The Best Poster Award was presented to Dr. Ali Ferjani (Associate Professor, Tokyo Gakugei University, Department of Biology) during the 38th Naito Conference, as a winning representative on behalf of his co-authors. The Naito Conference called for poster presentations that fit with the conference theme "Molecule-based biological systems". 60 posters have been approved by the organizing committee to be presented at the 38th Naito Conference. Among the 60 presenters, 10 scientists were selected as the winners of the Best Poster Award, and received a grant-in-aid of 500,000 Japanese Yen. The awarding ceremony was held at CHÂTERAISÉ Gateaux Kingdom SAPPORO on October 10th, 2014.
Awarded poster: Ali Ferjani, Kensuke Kawade, Akira Oikawa, Mariko Asaoka, Kazuki Takahashi, Masanori Ishida, Masayoshi Maeshima, Masami Yokota Hirai, Kazuki Saito and Hirokazu Tsukaya: The metabolic target of pyrophosphate inhibition, the enigmatic molecule in plant metabolism, unraveled.
The annual joint seminar of Tsukaya lab. (The University of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo University) and Ferjani Lab. (Tokyo Gakugei University) was held on September 3-5, 2014, at The University of Tokyo (Hongo campus).

Joint seminar group photo of Tsukaya lab. (The Univ. of Tokyo), Horiguchi Lab. (Rikkyo Univ.) and Ferjani Lab. (Gakugei Univ.). The photograph is a Courtesy of Mr. Koro Hattori.
Our manuscript entitled " The Conflict between Cell Proliferation and Expansion Primarily Affects Stem Organogenesis in Arabidopsis", has been accepted for publication in Plant and Cell Physiology on 18-Sep-2014.
Two abstracts from our lab were selected for short talks in the forthcoming 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2014). ICAR 2014 will be held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada from Monday July 28th to Friday August 1st. See you all soon in Vancouver!
- The execution of developmental programs in all epidermal cell types are restrained by PPi overaccumulation
Shizuka Gunji, Hirokazu Tsukaya, and Ali Ferjani - The metabolic target of pyrophosphate, a mysterious player in plant metabolism, identified
Ali Ferjani, Kensuke Kawade, Akira Oikawa, Mariko Asaoka, Kazuki Takahashi, Masanori Ishida, Masayoshi Maeshima, Masami Yokota Hirai, Kazuki Saito and Hirokazu Tsukaya
Impact of excess pyrophosphate on plant metabolism and development: New functions of an old player
Tomorrow, May 14th , 2014, and following the kind invitation of Dr. Keisuke Kimura (Kyoto Sangyo University) , I will give a seminar covering our recent progress about the roles of H+-PPase in the regulation of plant metabolism and development (see title above).
Impact of excess pyrophosphate on plant metabolism and development: New functions of an old player
Tomorrow, May 14th , 2014, and following the kind invitation of Dr. Keisuke Kimura (Kyoto Sangyo University) , I will give a seminar covering our recent progress about the roles of H+-PPase in the regulation of plant metabolism and development (see title above).
The graduation ceremony for the academic year 2013 was held at Tokyo Gakugei University Koganei Campus on March 20th, 2014.
Two undergraduate students from our lab, Shizuka Gunji & Saori Maeda, obtained the Bachelor degree after two years of hard work!
Article Addendum
Our manuscript entitled "Class III compensation, represented by KRP2 overexpression, depends on V-ATPase activity in proliferative cells", has been accepted for publication in Plant Signaling & Behavior on 14-Nov-2013.
Our manuscript entitled "Enhanced Cell Expansion in a KRP2 Overexpressor Is Mediated by Increased V-ATPase Activity", has been accepted for publication in Plant and Cell Physiology on 15-Sep-2013.
Multidimensional Exploration of Logics of Plant Development / Kick-Off Meeting will be held on 1-Oct-2013 at the Yayoi Auditorium of the University of Tokyo
Book Chapter
Regulation of PPi Levels Through the Vacuolar Membrane H+-Pyrophosphatase
Ali Ferjani, Shoji Segami, Mariko Asaoka, Masayoshi Maeshima
Progress in Botany Volume 75, 2014, pp 145-165
Editors: Ulrich Lüttge, Wolfram Beyschlag, John Cushman
ISBN: 978-3-642-38796-8 (Print) 978-3-642-38797-5 (Online)
The Japanese Society of Plant Morphology / HIRASE AWARD 2013
On 12-Sep-2013, the Hirase Award for Plant Morphology was presented to Dr. Ali Ferjani (Associate Professor, Tokyo Gakugei University, Department of Biology) during the 25th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Morphology, as a winning representative on behalf of his co-authors. The "Hirase Award" was founded in 1996, on the hundred anniversary of sperm discovery of ginkgo by Hirase Sakugoro. Bearing the name in honor of the achievements of Hirase, this award is given to the excellent original paper that contributes to advances in plant morphology.
◇Awarded paper: Ferjani A, Segami S, Horiguchi G, Muto Y, Maeshima M, Tsukaya H (2011) Keep an eye on PPi: The vacuolar-type H+-pyrophosphatase regulates postgerminative development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 2895-2908.
◇Reasons for Award:” This paper has revealed that the removal of pyrophosphate (PPi), rather than vacuolar acidification, by the vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase is important for postgerminative development. This is an invaluable new discovery that by further elucidating its molecular mechanism is promising to open a new era in the field of plant science”.
◇The awarding ceremony and prize winning commemoration poster presentation were held at Hokkaido University on the afternoon of September 12th, 2013.
Multidimensional Exploration of Logics of Plant Development
This research project under the leadership of Hirokazu Tsukaya (The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Professor), aims to revolutionize the field of developmental biology through new concepts and a research style that is expected to produce breakthroughs for the understanding of fundamental logics of plant development.